Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Penang 檳城 Hindu Temple at Little India 小印度

DSC_8249,原由 Gita Today 上載。

Washing both feet is the traditional ritual as a metaphor to clean oneself before entering the Hindu temple to worship God.

Wayang kulit (皮影戲) in Kota Bharu, Malaysia

DSC_8160,原由 Gita Today 上載。

An ancient & traditional play is now only found in old and remote Malay small city, Kota Bharu. Sung and played by old traditional artists, the show itself is multi-dimentional, including singing, shadow puppet show, traditional live music and traditional story. The most unforgettable thing is I can walk around the stage and capture the on and off stage performance.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

清遠 北江 泊岸

DSC_2253,原由 Gita Today 上載。


張繼: [楓橋夜泊]

Awaiting for Thaipusam Festival

DSC_8627,原由 Gita Today 上載。

一年一度的吉隆坡大寶生節, 是南印裔馬拉人的宗教民族嘉年華.

Malaysia is a paradise of South Indian culture! She has the delicious original south Indian food, colorful religious rites, wonderful Hindu temples and modernized Indian image in a clean, civilized, peaceful and neat setting that is nearly unfound in the REAL India. Food price is nearly cheaper than that in Kerala! GOD! I love it so much!